Watercolour dog ai painting

AI Art Prompting Styles


Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way we create art. With the help of AI, artists can create stunning pieces of art that were once impossible to create. One of the most important aspects of creating AI-generated art is the use of AI art prompts. 

You may have read our previous post about what AI art prompts are but you may still be looking for a more detailed look at how to write your next AI art prompts. Prompts are what you use to describe the image you want to create, and they include lots of different information, from specific artist names and art styles to using pop culture icons and exploring fantasy scenes

Here are the summaries for lots of different prompting styles:

  • 4k: Same as above but potentially has more trained images to work from - obviously attempts 4k resolution.

  • Cinematic: Produces more poster-like images with thicker objects and extreme shadows, can be combined with “cinematic lighting” for an even more stylised look.

  • High Definition: Creates fanciful and saturated colours, and lightens shadows.

  • Ultra Photorealistic: Results in fine, ultra-detailed, and realistic images..

  • Fine Ultra-Detailed Realistic: Generates detailed images that may be a bit grainy and trained on particular sets

  • Using an artist's name “by <name of artist>” can influence things like stylisation, type of medium, and can be combined with multiple artists for a more refined, or experimental approach, blending and fusion commands can be added also.

  • Depth of Field: Sharpens the focus on the subject, with the foreground and background blurred, also try bokeh as a command prompt for this to add more stylised lighting and camera focus.

  • Film Lighting: Uses limited lighting sources with backlighting, producing deep shadows cast by light sources.

  • Intricate: Tends toward non-realistic "crafts" and "pattern" type designs.

  • Realism: Creates realistic images with a uniform background and the subject looking more like a painting, with more objects around the subject.

  • Motion-Blur: Renders speed lines, as if the image is being blown by wind.

  • 35mm Film and other varieties of Film type: Results in more vibrant colours, but with muted saturation, and detailed with additional foreground and/or background elements as appropriate.

  • RGB: Can provide extreme variations in hue and vibrancy and may over-saturate colours or add a more stylised look

Ai art prompt example

How to write an AI art prompt?

Our top AI art prompt writing tips:

  1. Keep it simple: Use clear and concise language to describe what you want the AI to create.

  2. Be specific: The more specific you are in your prompt, the more likely the AI will be able to generate the type of image you have in mind.

  3. Use adjectives: Adjectives can help the AI understand the mood or style of the image you want it to create.

  4. Include details: The more details you include in your prompt, the more accurately the AI will be able to generate the image you have in mind.

  5. Use examples: Providing examples of the type of image you want the AI to create can help it understand your vision.

  6. Use reference images: Including reference images can help the AI understand the style and subject matter you want it to depict.

  7. Avoid ambiguous language: Ambiguous language can lead to confusion and may result in the AI generating an image that doesn’t match your vision.

  8. Use positive language: Using positive language can help the AI understand the desired outcome and may lead to more successful results.

  9. Avoid using conflicting terms: Using conflicting terms in your prompt can lead to confusion and may result in the AI generating an image that doesn’t match your vision.

  10. Test and revise: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different prompts and revise as needed to get the results you want.

To summarise, make sure you are using clear and concise language. Be specific and focus on the subject and style rather than using connecting words. 

Make sure you use at least 3 to 7 words for your prompt. The more detailed you are, the more references the AI can use to create your piece. However, you need to remember that the more complex you are, the more complex your image will be. 

You can use several subjects but initially it’s a good idea to stick to 1 or 2 subjects. 

INCREDIBLE HULK, superhero kid, big head , cartoon, kids style, concept poster art --ar 16:9

How to layout your prompts

Some people like to have a layout to follow while writing their prompts so they don’t forget to include. Here’s a simple one you can follow: 

Top tip: the order affects how AI prioritises the output.

  1. Content type

  2. Description

  3. Style

  4. Composition